

发布时间: 2024-05-17 11:01:26北京青年报社官方账号





As the largest player in China's business intelligence market, with a 13.76 percent market share, FanRuan is the only Chinese company that is listed in the world's top 10 for the industry, a recent International Data Corporation report showed.


As the expo is an open market and platform through which China actively sources products and services from overseas into the domestic market, Wang said he believes CIIE sends out a clear message that China is determined to deepen reform and opening-up, and shows the country's strong confidence, capability and sense of responsibility in the global arena.


As the key driver to foster technology research and transformation for biopharma manufacturing, biopharma CMO features an innovative model that helps break the "bottleneck" of manufacturing in the original biopharma industry chain to turn it into a "service platform" in a bid to commercialize and maximize the value of drug candidates. In February 2016, Boehringer Ingelheim was selected as one of the first companies to start biopharma Contract Manufacturing in China.


As the World Pancreatic Cancer Day 2020 falls on Nov 19, Journal of Pancreatology and Servier China jointly kicked off online world pancreatic cancer day public awareness campaign & WISH project, or the first China pancreatic cancer patients' survival situation project, on Sunday. The program aims at raising awareness of the disease, promoting early diagnosis and treatment, and increasing benefits for patients.


As the novel coronavirus outbreak has lasted for some time, the court made and issued several guidelines on regulating the judicial process and behaviors when hearing cases online, and upgraded the platform eight times to ensure a stable network environment, court official Sun Lingling said.


